Inclusion Team
Welcome to our Inclusion Team page. As children's emotional welfare can be affected by a variety of things, including the balance of home and school life, we, as an Inclusion Team, focus on issues such as: self-esteem, anxiety, anger, behaviour and bereavement counselling as well as supporting SEND needs.
Along side supporting children, we also offer a wide variety of support for parents/carers and families. This is to take away any barriers that you may encounter during your children's time at school.
For more information on support and services that are available to families within the Rochdale Borough, please visit
For more information on how Early Help could work for your family, please visit or see the Early Help Guide found below:
Children's Mental Health Week 2024 - The Task
Children's Mental Health Week 2024 - GIVING TO OTHERS
School Based Family Worker
Hello, my name is Vicki Petrillo, I am the School based family worker and a member of the safeguarding team at St Mary's. I work along side Miss Melanie Holcroft, we are the Inclusion Team. We both work very closely with Mrs Jo Brown who is the Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead at St Mary's and Mrs Bush who is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. I work closely with children, parents and professionals. I am a EHA champion and work with families going through the EHA (Early Help Assessment) process. Alongside this, I work with parents and the school through the Child In Need and Child Protection Processes.
Children's Mental Health Week 2024 - CONNECT
Children's Mental Health Week 2024 - Round-up
Children's Mental Health Week 2024 - TAKE NOTICE
We also endeavour to support families with:
- Parenting
- New starters/settling in
- Mental/physical health needs
- Behaviour
- Relationship & family difficulties
- Domestic Violence
- Attendance
- Bereavement & loss
Parent Groups we offer include:
If you need any help please speak to one of us either on the gate in a morning, call into school or ring 01706 648125 -
We are here to support!
Children's Mental Health Week 2024 - BEING ACTIVE
Children's Mental Health Week 2024 - KEEP LEARNING
Pastoral Officer
Hello, my name is Melanie Holcroft, I am the Pastoral Officer and a member of the safeguarding team At St Mary's. I work very closely with Miss Petrillo as the Inclusion Team. My role is to lead on behaviour and attendance support - I work closely with children and families to ensure that all children have the best opportunity to be a successful learner.