Miss Nunwick, Miss Young and Miss Doyle would like to welcome you to Year 3's wonderful web page!
Our classroom is a warm, welcoming, and joyful space where every child has the opportunity to learn and grow. We value respect and kindness, supporting one another to reach our full potential. In all we do, we aim to reflect the school's Christian values.
In Year 3, we are committed to maintaining high standards. We expect all students to wear the correct uniform, complete assigned homework (TTRS and Learning Logs), and read to an adult at least three times a week.
Reading books and reading records need to be in school every day. Books that need changing should be out in the blue box. All books will be checked on a Friday. Children who read at home three times a week will be entered into a draw to win a magic straw milkshake.
Our curriculum
We will link our English lessons to our topic, using the same text in Reading, Writing and Topic lessons. This half term we are using the text 'The Iron Man'.
In year 3 we will also be focusing closely on our SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and applying this knowledge consistently in our writing along with our amazing Alan Peat sentence structures. Year 3 will undertake a daily SPaG challenge plus further tasks throughout the week.
In Year 3, we constantly strive to be ambitious and effective writers, creating texts with purpose which entertain and inform our readers and using our best vocabulary, spelling, handwriting, punctuation and grammar. Children will also have opportunity to proof read their work and redraft to up-level it.
If you would like to practice building your skills, take a look at the links below.
Below are the year 3 and 4 statutory spellings
Below you will find the knowledge organizer for our new topic: 'Iron Man'.
This half term, we will be reading 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.
Here is a summary of the text:
Mankind must put a stop to the dreadful destruction caused by the Iron Man. A trap is set for him, but he cannot be kept down. Then, when a terrible monster from outer space threatens to lay waste to the planet, it is the Iron Man who finds a way to save the world.
In reading lessons we will be focusing on our VIPERS skills: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising.
This term we will be tackling lots of different areas of maths this half term, including number and place value; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division.
At the start of each lesson we undertake an arithmetic challenge (Fluent in Five) and each day we do a mental math challenge on our New Wave challenge sheets. This year we will be continuing our Power Maths scheme which focuses on reasoning and looking at questions in different ways. So far we have really enjoyed challenging ourselves with the new material and have loved the discussion and partner work elements of the scheme.
We will continue to work on our arithmetic skills and times tables, as these underpin the basis of everything we do in maths. It would be fantastic if these skills could be practiced at home. We expect the children to use Times Table Rockstars at least twice weekly but please see Miss Nunwick if you would like any further help.
Please practise your times tables at home. Try and think of all the different places you could practise - whilst walking to school, whilst brushing your teeth or whilst eating ice cream!
You can practice your times tables on the games if you follow the link below.
Times Table Rock Stars is a fantastic tool, paid for by the school, to help children learn their times tables. It can be accessed by clicking on this link: Times Table Rockstars
NB - every child has their own username and password to access this website. If you have problems accessing it, please contact school.
If you want to practise at home, please use the links below for some fun maths games:
This half term we will be continuing to learn about Forces and magnets
Here is a link to support learning.
We have a fantastic music teacher that works at St Mary's on a Monday.
Year three will have an opportunity to carry out different activities.
This half term we will be developing our skills using singing, actions and body percussion, learning a twist on The Queen classic, We Will Rock You.
This half term we will be participating in PE on a Thursday afternoon.
Chidden will need to wear:
- a plain white t-shirt
- plain black tracksuit bottoms or black PE shorts (no leggings please)
- a plain black jumper or tracksuit top
- trainers
No logos or names on their tops, jumpers or bottoms please.
If you do not have a plain black jumper, children can wear their school jumpers as an alternative
Year 3 visit Balderstone Library every Friday. Children are given the opportunity to read a book together and share a love for reading.
Maths homework is to practice on Times Table Rockstars AT LEAST three times a week. If there is any issues in logging on at home, please let one of the year three adults know ( a quick message on Class Dojo is the best way).
Learning Log homework will be put on either Class Dojo or as a paper letter in their Learning Log Books, whichever is more appropriate. These will be handed out every other Friday and is due back two weeks later.
Learning logs will be shared with the class and a selection of the work will be shared in assembly or displayed in class.
Reading books and reading records need to be in school every day. Books that need changing should be out in the blue box. All books will be checked on a Friday. Children who read at home three times a week will be entered into a draw to win a magic straw milkshake
Below you will find a copy of our overview for the year...
As ever, if parents, carers or pupils have any questions, please feel free to speak to a member of the year three team at drop off and pick up times, or send a message on class dojo. One of the team will endeavour to answer your question or query as soon as possible.
Thank you for you support in helping Year Three to
'Be the best that we can be'.