Welcome to Reception Class!
We very much look forward to working with your child and helping them to enjoy their first year at school. Moving into Reception is an exciting stage in your child’s learning journey and our aim is to provide an enabling and stimulating environment in which your children feel happy to explore and learn.
Staff in Reception:
Hello, my name is Mrs Corvan. I am the teacher in Reception class.
Hello, my name is Miss Webber. I am a Teaching Assistant in Reception class. I work in Reception class in the mornings.
Hello, my name is Miss Oliwiak. I am a Teaching Assistant in Reception class. I work in Reception class all day.
Our Classroom
Our classroom is a very exciting place to be! The class is set up into different areas such as writing, maths, fine motor, creative and role play. Each week, there is a different Continuous Provision activity within each area which encourages children to further develop their skills. We encourage children to access every area each week to ensure they are developing across all areas. Here are some pictures of our classroom:
We follow the EYFS curriculum, where we learn through a play based curriculum building on children's knowledge and skills in our indoor and outdoor spaces. Children can move freely between the areas, providing opportunities for them to follow their own interests supported and developed by our amazing staff.
We also learn phonics, reading, writing and number, as well as some exciting topics that are based around different books, seasons and celebrations. Our circle times allow time to begin to explore the school values as a class.
The 3 prime areas of the EYFS are:
*Communication & Language
*Physical development
*Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The 4 specific areas of the EYFS are:
*Understanding of World
*Expressive Arts & Design
PE in Reception is on a Monday. Please can children come into school wearing their PE kit.
Home Learning Expectations
Children are expected to practise core skills every week:
Reading and phonics - ideally daily, but at least 3 times a week with an adult.
Learning log- completing activities based on our current topic (starting in Spring 1).
WOW moments are communicated through Class Dojo, where we celebrate children’s successes in their learning. Please share any WOW moments from home on class dojo.
In Autumn 1, we held a reading meeting for parents. Please find the powerpoint from the reading meeting below. Remember, the sounds taught each week will be uploaded on Class Dojo. Please make sure that you recap these sounds with your child.
Our Topic in Spring 2
Our topic this half term is: Who are our heroes?
Please see below for some of the activities that the children will be taking part in. We will continue to follow the children's interests and provide enhancements to challenge the children in the different areas of provision.
If you ever have any questions, queries or worries, please don't hesitate to speak to staff in the morning or after school. Alternatively, please do message us on class dojo!