Welcome to Year Four
Miss Robinson is the Year Four class teacher.
Miss Stansfield and Miss Moitie are our teaching assistances.
Things to remember:
We read our whole class reading book daily in school, we expect your child to read nightly their stage book and sign their reading record. Our day to change books is Friday we would like your child to enjoy, understand and be questioned on the text before changing it too quickly.
PE- This term is Gymnastics and will be every Monday, so please remember your PE kit.
Learning Logs are given fortnightly and spellings are given weekly, but with no spelling test in class as we use this opportunity to learn spelling patterns and rules.
TTRS- Times Table Rockstar's should be accessed daily and each child will have their own individual log in.
Spring 1 and 2
Spring 1 |
All our English lessons link to our class book and our half term topic, in order to make them as stimulating as we can. We will be covering several different genres over the year. Within our writing, we will be developing our grammar skills. We will be practicing using more descriptive language, such as adjectives, expanded noun phrases, similes and looking a different sentence types. The children will also be taught how to select different vocabulary choices and punctuation, to make their writing more imaginative and fun to read 'hooking the reader in'.
Our whole class guided reading book is 'The Thieves of Ostia' By Caroline Lawrence. We will look at the vocabulary, answer a range of comprehension questions using VIPERS and develop skills in fluency. Moving through the chapters weekly and immersing ourselves into the book.
We are marvelous mathematicians in Year Four. This half term we will be looking at the value of number, addition and subtraction strategies as well as how to find the perimeter of a shape. As always, we will continue to practice our times tables. Each week we practice our mental math strategies and our times tables; they are vital in improving our all round maths skills. Our 'Power Math' resources will develop our skills, we will be learning lots of new and interesting strategies- please speak to any member of our team if you have any questions.
In June 2024, Year Four will undertake a times table check. It is super important that you are regularly practising your times tables and know them inside out and upside down!
Everyone has a login for Times Table Rockstars, you should be using this regularly as part of your homework.
A great website to help develop skills in Math can be found here.
This half term we are learning about The classification of living things. We will be looking how we identify and group different animals and living things.
Here is a link to some activities: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zyt2jsg