In Year 1, our class is a safe, fun and encouraging learning environment.
Our Year 1 teacher is Mrs Carey and our Teaching Assistants are Miss Thomasson, Mrs Oliwiak and Miss Delaney (in the morning). We support the children in their learning every day. Mrs Carey is out of class on a Monday afternoon.
We would like parents to read with your child every day and sign their reading record every day. Bring your book and reading record in every day. We do a prize draw on a Monday where your child's name will be put into a lucky dip for every time they read that week. Three winners will be chosen and they will get a special treat!
Books are changed every Monday. Your child needs to put their old books in the book box on Monday morning so we can change it. You will get a photocopy of the book your child is reading in phonics lessons and a Book Bag book to read. If the Book Bag Book is lost or damaged, you may be asked to pay to replace it.
In Year 1 we use Numbots. Numbots is very useful for practising counting, addition and subtraction. Children have been given a username and password so they can use it at home. Please let us know if you would like your username and password again, it should be the same as it was in Reception.
In Year 1, we take home a spelling list every week. We can do our spellings in lots of different ways, e.g. saying the letters, typing, writing, using magnetic letters. We don't do a spelling test, we just encourage children to practise as it helps with their writing.
Learning Logs
Learning log tasks will be set every 2 weeks. This is an activity related to our class topic, which is set on Class Dojo. On the Friday they are handed in, we have a Learning Log Gallery, where the children vote for their favourite, as well as the adults. The winner's work might be displayed during Celebration Assembly! You can choose to respond on Class Dojo or in a Learning Log book or as a 3D model, depending on the challenge.
Your child should come into school in their PE kit on their PE days (plain black tracksuit, white t-shirt and trainers). PE is on a Wednesday this half term and it will be outside (weather permitting).
Spring 1
This half term our topic is Dinosaur Detectives!
Our Global Investigation question is:
Why are museums important?
Below you can find a knowledge organiser for our Topic. This is a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that the children need to know this term.
Throughout Year 1, we will be looking at many different types of writing - stories, instructions, poems, letters. We link our writing to a book related to our Topic. We will focus on making sure the children remember the basics of sentence writing including capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, using their phonics and checking it makes sense.
Here are the Year 1 List of Tricky Words that children should be able to read and spell by the end of the year.
This year we have started following Power Maths. The children get their own workbooks and it focuses on 'Mastering' skills in Maths to be more confident in applying them.
This term we will cover the units:
Subtraction within 10
2D and 3D shapes
- Numbers to 20
- Addition and subtraction within 20
- Numbers to 50
- Introducing length and height
- Introducing mass and capacity
Here are a few links with interactive education games that could support your child's learning this term:
At St Mary's, we now follow the Read Write Inc Phonics Scheme. Children will be assessed every half term and placed into a group that suits their ability. Every phonics lesson starts with learning or revising a sound, and then reading a book which uses sounds they already know.
In Year 1, we are sent a special challenge from the aliens called the 'Phonics Screening Test'! We are given a list of real words and a list of made-up words and we have to sound them out so that we can read them.
Before we get the challenge, we will be practicing our Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds; as well as segmenting and blending words.
Here are some websites to help you get ready for the aliens!
This half term in Science, we are looking at Animals Including Humans.
Here is our knowledge organiser:
This half term in RE we are answering the question...
Who does Christmas matter to Christians?